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Government Agencies Training Programme

We have the privilege of working closely with esteemed Government Agencies such as the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM), Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM), Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (BOMBA), SMART Team, and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM). These Organizations are responsible for maintaining peace and security in Malaysia and our training has played a crucial role in ensuring the competence and readiness of their personnel.

Course Code Course Title Duration Refresher Instant Booking
P1 Basic Personal Survival At Sea 1 Day Yes View Details
P4 Underwater Escape Water Training With Night Ditching & Sea Survival (UWET) 2 Days Yes View Details
P6 Parachute Landing Over Water & Sea Survival (PLOWSS) 2 Days Yes View Details
P11 Crashed Pilot & Air Crew Jungle Survival 4 Days Yes View Details
RS Rescue Swimmer 19 Days Yes View Details
PSD Public Safety Diving 30 Days Yes View Details
C13 Crew Resources Management 2 Days No View Details
P8 Underwater Welding (UW) 14 Days No View Details